Running Validations

To run a validation call .validate() on a straints instance.

For example, given the following arguments,

var target = { username: 'alexa123', password: 'partytime56' };
var contexts = [ 'login' ];
var validate = (result, info) => { ... };
var success = results => { ... };
var failure = results => { ... };

validation can be run like so

instance.validate(target, contexts, validate).then(success, failure); // promise

Here is a quick explanation of the arguments.

  • target (object)
    The object to be validated.

  • contexts (string|array)
    One or more contexts to be validated against. This can be a comma-delimited string or an array.

  • validate(result: boolean, info: object)
    Callback executed for every constraint test during validation.

  • success(results: object)
    Callback to be executed when validation completes successfully.

  • failure(results: object)
    Callback to be executed if an error occurred during validation.

Overriding A Validation

Individual validations can be managed by providing a function as the last parameter to .validate().

This callback will receive the following parameters

  • result (boolean)
    The boolean result of the validation test.

  • info (object)
    Additional information pertaining to the validation test.

    • target (object)
      Current validation target object (same as starget unless nested)

    • starget (object)
      Session validation target object (always the original validation target)

    • name (string)
      Current target object property name

    • sname (string)
      Session target object property name

    • rule (object)
      Validating constraint object

    • level (string)
      Name of the current validation level.

If this callback is provided then it MUST return a boolean value. Simply return result if nothing else.

function(result, info) { return result; }

Validation Results

The validation results are provided to both the success and failure callbacks. In case of failure, obviously, the results object may not be complete.

You will find the following items in this object.

  • target (object)
    The object originally passed to .validate().

  • contexts (array)
    The contexts involved in the validation session. This includes the contexts passed to .validate() as well as any included by those contexts, recursively.

  • (objects)
    Map of property to constraint ids of constraints whose tests were specified at validation level 'xxx'.

  • constraints (object)
    All of the constraints directly involved in the validation session keyed by their ids.

  • isComplete (boolean)
    A boolean value that will be true if validation completed successfully.

  • error (any)
    If the failure callback is executed, this will have error information.

  • findConstraints(pname: string, level: string, value: boolean|null): array
    findProperties(cname: string, level: string, value: boolean|null): array
    Functions that return an array of constraint or property names by property or constraint, validation level, and value.

    • pname (string)
      Object property name to get constraints for. If not given then all properties are checked.

    • cname (string)
      Constraint identifier to get properties for. If not given then all constraints are checked.

    • level (string)
      The validation level to check. If not given then constrain is assumed.

    • value (boolean|null)
      Value to check for. This can only be true, false, or null. If not given then false is assumed.
  • validFor(level: string): boolean
    For the given validation level, returns true if all tests passed, false if any failed, and null if none were run or if the level does not exist.

  • valid(): boolean
    Returns true if validation completed successfully and no constrain-level tests failed.

  • payload(cname: string): any
    Returns the payload data for the named constraint.

For Example...

For a given target object and straints instance:

var target = { name: 'Alexa', birthdate: null, attractive: true };
var contexts = [ 'contextOne', 'contextThree' ];
var instance = straints({ levels: [ 'suggest' ] });

Here's a simple example that illustrates what you might do when validation fails.

instance.validate(target, contexts).then
    results =>
        if (!results.valid())
            // names of constraints that failed for property 'name'...
            var failNames = results.findConstraints('name');
            // then get the constraint objects that failed
            var constraints = => results.constraints[name]);
            // or get names of all failing properties
            var failProps = results.findProperties();

Similarly, if you want to check those validation suggestions...

instance.validate(target, contexts).then
    results =>
        if (!results.validFor('suggest'))
            // names of constraints that failed for property 'name'...
            var failNames = results.findConstraints('name', 'suggest');
            // then get the constraint objects that failed
            var constraints = => results.constraints[name]);
            // or get names of all failing properties
            var failProps = results.findProperties(null, 'suggest');

The results object collects information about the validation session as it runs, thus its state is undetermined if validation fails to complete. However, it is passed to the failure callback nonetheless. In this scenario, only its target, isComplete, and error properties can be relied upon.